What Are The Upcoming Development Trends In Mobile Technology For 2022?

3 min readFeb 2, 2022


Even the least careful observer will have realized by now that mobile apps have become a crucial focus for software development. With nearly 2 billion smartphones in use worldwide, the mobile approach is as revolutionary as the transition to client/server computing in the 1990s or the introduction of the Internet in the 2000s.

But the future of mobile app development is much more than a simple ‘adaptation’ of the application service to smaller screens, different programming languages, or operating systems. To understand this, one needs to carefully analyze the trends and the directions on which the app market moves.

Mobile App Development; The Present

Along with technological advancements, mobile app trends are taking a fast pace. However, every new trend is a continuation of what has happened in the past. Like Rome was not built in a day, current trends such as AI, AR/VR, and IoT were not mere overnight discoveries. They take time to evolve in the structure and functionality they are today. However, every new change in society adds momentum to the existing mobile trends.

The recent influence of pandemic outbreaks has strengthened Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and the Internet of Things. So, what would happen to mobile app development in the future? Here’s what we can expect!

Trends You Can Expect to Affect Mobile App Development in 2022:

User interest is the key factor when it comes to new trends and changes in any niche, including mobile app development. This year, we might need to expect a lot of changes or additions to the existing ones:

Internet of Things

IoT has grown to a level where it started taking over humans’ life. Its new wings on mobile app development strengthened the niche to a great extent. IoT applications are not new to the market, and they paved the way for efficient and real-time data. It has made a huge impact on the technology revolution.

AI in Mobile App Development

Artificial Intelligence has dramatically transformed technology. The impeccable user experience it offers is what attracts the market to AI-powered apps. Artificial Intelligence ensures productivity and a better personalized mobile experience. Anti-fake filters based on AI would be a thing in the upcoming days since fake stories and news has become turbulent.

Wearable technology

Custom software development solutions develop mobile applications that connect with gadgets like the watch and other wearables. There would be a great impact on the products and services in the fitness, healthcare, and fashion industries. This change has also influenced mobile application development strategies and plans.

Multipurpose applications

All-in-one applications are really a thing that people are looking for these days. Brands are coming up with applications to satisfy multiple needs of users. For example, those who concentrated only on food delivery have started expanding to groceries. Super apps will be a mind-boggling trend to expect in 2022!


Design trends should never be overlooked when talking about mobile application trends in 2022! UI designs that allow imitating three-dimensional objects are called Neomorphism is an upcoming trend. It allows improved aesthetic impressions.

Follow the trends with Zoondia:

Being one of the leading custom software development companies, we never fail to notice and follow the trends. Zoondia boasts of the best experts and latest technologies in mobile app development. We can help you stay competitive with a profound vision of technologies and expertise.

If you intend to create user-friendly and appealing mobile apps, do contact our experts, who can design custom mobile apps with improved user interactions and allow your business to soar!

You could also drop me a mail at priya@zoondia.com

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Website: www.zoondia.com

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