Understanding The Reasons For A Shift In eCommerce Trends

2 min readJan 12, 2022


COVID-19 global pandemic was likely one of the defining events since 2020, and that it will have implications on every nook and cranny of our universe and that last well into the decade. The rapid change of situation caused the number of people deemed safe to gather in a single place to dwindle.

The pandemic also caused fundamental and long-term changes in how people shop and make purchasing decisions.

According to the present scenario, the e-commerce industry is facing a boom through mobile and mobile applications. Many retail giants are switching to e-commerce marketplaces. Between 2020 and 2021, the industry increased by 77 per cent, and Tier II and III cities are transacting more than ever. This trend has pushed e-commerce platforms to embrace a diverse range of regional brands and local sellers who provide consumers with a compelling value proposition.

Both web app and mobile app along with hybrid app development is the best solution for an e-commerce business now. Building such apps that bring the entire world of business, products, and services into a single frame helps each one to carry their life through online mode without delay.

With a combination of elements integrated from both, the native and web development approaches together, a hybrid app arises. Hybrid apps are using web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. The Hybrid approach allows apps to process tons of traffic without hindrances. Hybrid app development is a cutting-edge technology to effectively engage with users and gives companies much greater control over their applications.

An effective way to stay at top of the mind with the customers is by going with the trend. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc are the most widely and habitually used hybrid apps. Popular brands in the e-commerce industry such as Amazon, Uber, Remote POS, etc., have gone the hybrid way in order to cope with the market trend and needs.

Influencer or user-generated content would be a major driver of video or content commerce. Multiple SAAS companies will launch solutions to simplify handshakes between brands and influencers in the content acquisition, ingestion, and performance-driven payments space to drive scalability.

Having a mobile app and a definitive mobile app development team is a necessity for most businesses to reach out to the targeted audience, thereby giving a step forward towards the actual boom in the e-commerce industry. Here at Zoondia, one of the top mobile app development companies, we hold a decade of experience in app development and give expert guidance with various technologies to provide you with a superior experience.

Contact our experts for assistance to get tailored business solutions for your next step of success.

You could email me at priya@zoondia.com

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Website: www.zoondia.com

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