Evolution Of The Framework- Flutter 2.0

4 min readJun 24, 2021

The release of Google’s Flutter 2.0 on March 3, 2021, at the Flutter Engage event sparked a lot of debate among techies. The update’s major rollout brings with it a slew of new features and fixes.

The latest version of Flutter is used beyond Android and iOS app development by expanding the mobile app development services to further platforms like Mac, Windows, Linux, and Embedded systems. Moreover, developers can now utilize Flutter for Web application development.

It was tedious to code on different platforms for the same project since the logic should change according to the adaptability of operating systems. But the new stable update of Flutter transformed the whole scenario and brought a massive relief for developers.

The recent feedback from developers worldwide depicts that Flutter 2.0 has resolved over 24,541 previous issues.

Flutter 2.0 Major Highlights

There are many features that the new Flutter 2.0 is offering, and let’s go through the significant highlights of the new Flutter update.


The stable release of Flutter offers support for the web platform that drives to push the reusability of code to the next level. This crucial release has moved the approach of Flutter from document-centric to the app-centric framework. Now the web platform has become an excellent choice for Flutter developers to develop apps.

The empowerment of web platforms by Flutter built the foundation for developers to establish interactive applications with APIs and creating flexible 2D & 3D graphics.


Flutter has widened its Desktop application support like in Web applications and enables developers to have a native-like experience on each platform. This experience comprised many vital features such as precise mouse dragging, built-in context menu, text selection pivot points, etc.

Sound Null Safety

Sound null safety is a significant inclusion to the Dart language. It allows developers to differentiate between nullable and non-nullable types. As a result, developers can ward off null error crashes during development.

Google Mobile Ads

Flutter 2.0 includes a beta version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK, which enables developers to combine inline banners and native ads with existing overlay forms. Additionally, Admob and Ad Manager make it simple for developers to modify ads.

Platform Adaptive Apps

Currently, Flutter supports Linux, macOS, and many developers are unsure how to write an application that adapts to different screen sizes, like small, medium, and big. On the other hand, developers are marvelled about the flexibility of Flutter 2.0 in mobile, web, and desktop.

iOS Features

Flutter 2.0 version is nourishing its iOS support with the latest iOS features. It also allows developers to build an IPA directly without opening Xcode. In addition, the new Flutter comes with the latest iOS widgets in the Cupertino design language implementation.

CupertinoSearchTextField bestows iOS search bar UI. Likewise, CupertinoFormRow, CupertinoTextFormFieldRow, and CupertinoFormSection widgets are used for generating validated form fields with sectioned iOS visual aesthetics.

Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger

There are two new widgets available for developers to access, which are Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger.

Autocomplete is the minimal functionality that needs to get auto-complete functionality into the Flutter app and allows auto-complete features in the native apps built with Flutter.

ScaffoldMessenger is the facile creation of SnackBar for the operation between the Scaffold transitions.

Flutter Instances with Add-to-App

Flutter has become the first choice for numerous developers since it allows them to reuse the same code for building mobile apps in Android and iOS. Additionally, Flutter can be added to an existing application through the App-to-App feature, which saves the native-code base and allows developers to run the code.


The Flutter 2.0 release has renamed the community from DevTools to FlutterDevTools mainly for debugging. The FlutterDevTool enables Visual Studio Code, AndroidStudio and IntelliJ, to support developers in debugging by scrutinizing for exceptions. Moreover, the FlutterDevTool has the potential to identify high-resolution images.

What to do with Flutter 2?

As Flutter keeps thriving, its numerous features are utilized for distinct app development projects. If you are looking to hire custom mobile app developers for your next project, contact Zoondia, an emerging IT & software consulting company. For further queries, you could mail me at sales@zoondia.com

At Zoondia, we are equipped with a dedicated team of experts capable of delivering custom software development projects. Our core team includes analysts, functional experts, developers, design proficients, and consultants engaged with different industries.

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